In addition to my academic research, I have built and developed relationships with national and international media outlets that request to interview me regularly on issues related to my research. Below is a list of media outlets and research centres that interviewed me and cited me for their media coverage of the conflict in Syria:
Because of the Droughts, Adi Magazine, 2022
al-Monitor: Camels weep as their young perish in Syria’s killer drought, 2021
The National UAE, Syrian families released from Al Hol struggle for acceptance after ISIS trauma, 2021
Kurdistan 24, US forces return fire in north Syrian pro-Assad village; 1 militant killed, 2020
The New Arab: Syria Weekly: Saudi Arabia reconnects with Syria's tribes to check Iran's dominance in the east, 2019
Voice of the Cape Radio in Cape Town, South Africa: Syria: tribal divisions to worsen crisis, 2019.
Richardson Institute/Lancaster University, Podcast about my book, 2019
al-Fanar Media: Russia Offers Support to Syrian Higher Education, 2019
Chrome Radio: On growing up in Palmyra and the role of Syria's tribes in the conflict, 2018
Syria Direct: With the Islamic State almost entirely pushed out of Deir e-Zor, how can eastern Syria’s tribes pick up the pieces? 2018.
Syria Direct, The day after: What happens when IS is defeated?, 2017
Harvard Political Review: Aleppo: The Final Frontier?, 2016
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Bombers over Hasakah: Assad Clashes with the Kurds, 2016
L'Orient-Le Jour (in French): Quel rôle pour les tribus en Syrie?, 2016
The Courier Newspaper: Syrian student in St Andrews – ‘British bombs must not reinforce IS narratives that this is another crusade against Muslims’, 2015.
Syria Deeply: Tribal ‘Blood Ties’ and Syria’s Civil War: Q&A, 2015
BBC Radio Scotland: Christmas Morning with Cathy Macdonald and Ricky Ross, 2015
The Associated Press: With incentives and brute force, Islamic State subduing tribes in Syria, Iraq, 2014.
Global Post: Who are the tribesmen standing up to the Islamic State in Syria?, 2014
Daily Star: Sahwa-like resistance against ISIS unlikely to erupt in Syria’s east, 2014.
Syria Deeply: How entrenched is ISIS in Syria – and can it be rooted out?, 2014.