Public Talks
Over the past ten years, I have had the honour of being invited to disseminate my research results at many international conferences and given lectures at different academic and non-academic institutions such as LSE, University of Oxford, Uppsala University, Maryland University, Bruno Kreisky Forum, and others. Below is a list of the talks I gave over the last few years of my career
Invited Talks
Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue in Vienna to speak as part of a panel on the topic of "Solidarity in crisis - perspectives from the Middle East", 2021
Zoom seminar to discuss Dr Sulayman Khalaf’s book: Social Change in Syria: Family, Village and Political Party organised by the Centre for Syrian Studies at the University of St. Andrews and the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Brunel University, 2021
Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, to talk about Syrian identities in times of conflict and displacement”, 2019
London School of Economics, the Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit, Book Talk, 2019
Wilton Park, Executive Body of the Foreign Office to take part in a workshop about families of ISIS fighters in Syrian camps, 2019
The French refugee agency (OFPRA), Ministry of Interior in Paris to talk about my book, 2019
Uppsala University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences to talk about my book, 2019
LSE/Middle East Centre to give a talk titled: “The Struggle for Syria: Tribes at War”, 2018
University of Derby to give a talk titled: “Authoritarianism, Tribalism and Islamism in Contemporary Syria”, 2018
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the Department of Anthropology to give a lecture titled: “From Reform to Revolt, Bashar al-Assad and the Arab Tribes in Syria”, 2017
Bergen Museum in Norway to give a talk titled: “Modern Life among the Ruins of Palmyra”, 2017
University of Buckingham, Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies to give a talk titled: “The Roots of ISIS’ Appeal within the Tribal Community of Syria”, 2014
Roskilde University (Denmark), The Department of Society and Globalisation to take part in a joint seminar titled: “The Overseen Dimensions of the Syrian Uprising: Tribe, Kurds and Women”, 2014
University of Bergen, The Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies to give a seminar titled: “Bedouin Tribes: from the Great Arab Revolt to the Syrian Uprising”, 2014
University of St Andrews, Institute of Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Studies (MECACS) to give a seminar titled: “Syrian Uprising: Sect and Tribe”, University of St Andrews, 2013
Conference Participation
Zoom conference on the 10th anniversary of the Arab Spring titled “10 Years On: The People and the Protests” organised by Lancaster University (the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion), 2020.
17th Annual International Conference on Politics & International Studies hosted by Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, 2019
Lancaster University conference on ‘Sectarianism, Proxies and De-Sectarianism across the Middle East’, hosted by the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, 2019
LSE/Syrian Conflict Research Programme conference: Political Economy and Governance in Syria, December 2018
St Andrews Fourth International Conference on Syria, 2018
The British Society for the Middle East annual conference at King’s College, London, 2018
The American Political Science Association (APSA) MENA Research and Publication Conference, Tunisia, 2017
The Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) Conference on the historical trends in the Middle East and Africa, Washington DC, USA, 2015
The Australian National University (Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies) Conference on debating Middle Eastern and Central Asian politics, Canberra, Australia, 2015
The 3rd Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert Conference, Oxford, 2015
The Sixth Annual Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Kobe, Japan, 2015
1st Nottingham Postgraduate Conference on Security and Conflict, University of Nottingham, 2014
The Second Postgraduate Conference on Syria: Syrian Uprising, Drivers and Dynamics, University of St Andrews, 2013
The 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Manchester, 2013
Symposium on Reassessment of the Arab Springs organised by the Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World and the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester, 2013
LSE Middle East Centre PhD Conference: Contentious Politics in the Middle East, London, 2013